
70 years ago, the BIC® Cristal® pen changed the way people write thanks to its quality technology accessible to all…
And it is still the No. 1 ballpoint pen in the world today!

The story of BIC begins after the Second World War, in the suburbs of Paris (France), where Marcel Bich started building spare parts for fountain pens.
The ballpoint pen already existed, but had not yet been perfected.
Bich recognized the product's potential…if, and only if, it was well conceived.

In the1950, Marcel Bich threw the penCrystal, the first affordable high-quality ballpoint pen and the foundation of the global success of the BIC brand. With hissimple designand hispracticalityit has become the world's best-selling pen and part of our cultural heritage.
Marcel Bich was a visionary not only in terms of product design but also in terms ofmarketing. To increase the recognition of his products he relied on advertising and worked with the designerRaymond Savignac, who created the famous campaign
"Elle court elle court, la pointe BIC"
in 1952.

After the creation of the first version theBIC Cristal family
it has expanded by creating new designs and increasingly captivating sets.
In theRhône stationeryin via Terrra 10 you can admire some of the rarest and most sought-after models and you can buy our selection of BIC Cristal.